Mediation #2

One critical component of mediation, I believe, is to choose the right mediator for your case and personality.   There are lots of mediators in the area.  They each have different approaches, styles, personalities, skill sets and backgrounds.  For example, some are from a counselling background and believe in and work best with a situation in which both people are able to talk through their issues in each other's presence, perhaps including venting or crying.  Others are focused on negotiating the asset division and work well with figures.  Some offer creative suggestions, others only want the suggestions to come from you.  Some will offer insights from the benefit of their legal experience, some will not.   Some can move people past an apparent impasse, while others do not want to push people past their comfort levels. 

These are only a few examples of the differences I have seen between mediators.  It is important to discuss the choice of mediator with your attorney.  I believe it can make all the difference in arriving at a successful resolution of your case.


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